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Properties in Asia

Property & Real Estate Ads from all around Asia
including China, India
and many other Asia locations.

For Agents and Properties in Asia Members: Export your properties to other Property Portals!

Every real estate agent, developer or member of Properties in Asia can access a unique property feed which contains all their property information including your contact details, photos and all information you post to Properties in Asia.

This feed always contains the latest property information you have on Properties in Asia. It can be used to send property information to other systems or as a backup.

Now, all you have to do is to post your properties to Properties in Asia, and give the unique XML feed we generate for your properties to other portals, without the need to post each property separately to all other portals.

Your unique XML feed URL is:
Please login to your account to get your unique XML feed URL!

For Property Portals wishing to upload properties to their own website

If you are a property portal and one of our agents / members contacted you to send you the feed we generate for their listings, please access the following demo feed including specifications: Content-type: text/html

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